8Crafter's Entity Scale, NBT, and Behavior Modifier, Bossbar, and Morph Addon
namespace: andexsa/andexrp

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This addon lets you change entity scale, modify entity behaviors and NBT data, morph into other mobs, make any entity into an NPC, ride any entity, give any entity a bossbar, get real world time, etc.
General Description
This is an add-on that lets you change entity scale, summon all the secret mobs and entities that normally are not summonable like players, ender pearls, shields, tridents, eye of ender signals, etc. It also allows you to change the max health of an entity, change its lava, water, and ground speeds, make it into an NPC, change what types of blocks that it can breathe in, give it a bossbar, make it into a minecart, and even make it immune to damage or even invincible to /kill (Note: All of these also do work on players too). You can also get the current TPS of a world, realm, or server.
You can also get the real-world UTC time. You can also change and also even increase the maximum speed of a minecart. You can also morph into other mobs and entities (Note: the morph mod is currently a work-in progress). You can also tint the color of a player's skin and even make it partially transparent. You can change a player's name tags. You can also get an explorer map for every single type of structures by using some of the custom loot tables in this addon.
You can also change whether or not an entity has gravity, and whether or not it collides with blocks and other entities. You can also make an entity act like solid blocks where you can just stand on top of them, and jump on them, similarly to boats and shulkers, and you also can't just walk through them, by running the andexsa:add_is_stackable event on both them and you. You can also make an entity burn in the sunlight like a zombie, or make any entity into its baby variant, so for example you could have a baby creeper, baby skeleton, baby ender dragon, or even a baby minecart.
You can also change how much experience is in an experience bottle. You can also ride any mob just by running the andexsa:add_player_family_can_ride_anything_and_player entity event on yourself with the /event command. You can also turn any block into a fully functional chair with the seat entity. This addon also adds custom arrows, TNT cannons, arrow launchers, snowball launchers, etc.