8Crafter's Online Player Hider
namespace: andexph

Have you ever wanted to trick your friends into thinking that you left using /tellraw, but they just look at the online player list and see that you are online? Well, this texture pack fixes that.
General Description
Have you ever wanted to trick your friends into thinking that you left using /tellraw, but they just look at the online player list and see that you are online? Well, this texture pack fixes that. This texture pack has 5 sub-packs: "Completely Remove the Player List" removes the UI element for showing what players are online, "Hide Only Some Info - Style 1/2" just removes the part showing their names, makes it so they can't click on a player's name to see their Xbox Profile/Microsoft Account, and also makes the part showing if they are operator blank but still clickable by actual operators, "Remove All of the Content in the Sidebar" does exactly what it says, it removes all of the content in the sidebar, "Completely Remove the Sidebar" just completely removes the entire sidebar. This is especially good if you use my other addon to let you change your name tag and chat name, and then you use /tellraw to say that you left, and then use /tellraw to say that a person with the name that you set your new name tag and chat name to just joined.
Without the pack enabled without a list scoreboard
Without the pack enabled with a list scoreboard
"Remove All of the Content in the Sidebar" subpack
"Completely Remove the Player List" subpack without a list scoreboard
"Completely Remove the Player List" subpack with a list scoreboard
"Completely Remove the Sidebar" subpack
"Hide Only Some Info - Style 1" subpack with a list scoreboard
"Hide Only Some Info - Style 1" subpack without a list scoreboard
"Hide Only Some Info - Style 2" subpack with a list scoreboard
"Hide Only Some Info - Style 2" subpack without a list scoreboard