Contributing to the Bedrock Wiki
Hello there!
Have you spotted a typo? Got stuck following one of our guides? Want to contribute something new? Then you've come to the right place!
The Bedrock wiki is a fully open source project and is maintained by the Bedrock OSS Organization, and our lovely community.
To contribute to our wiki, you don't need to be part of Bedrock OSS. The members of this organization have experience in editing the wiki and can answer your questions at any time. Please join our discord server if you want to get in touch.

The Wiki is hosted and edited on GitHub, and we process edits through the pull-request process.
You are more than welcome to directly suggest edits for our approval.

Contact Us
Bedrock OSS is a programming-focused creators discord for Bedrock, where all wiki edits are discussed.
Here you can report wiki issues, collaborate on new articles, or simply get in touch with the authors of various pages.

Learn How
Don't quite know what to do?
For more information on how to contribute to the wiki, including setting up your working environment and using GitHub, view our guide!

Page Editing
Keeping the style is very important, it allows us to keep guides easy to learn and attractive. Let's write all pages in one style.
Here you can learn how to use special components and style our wiki.