Generates a 3d shape according to a formula in the selected area, in [-sr] the s modifier will prevent the math equation parser from replacing single equal signs with double equal signs and the r modifier will prevent that as well as any other modifications so that it is run as pure javascript, the formula can utilize the following variables: wx: world x, wy: world y, wz: world z, x: center relative x, y: center relative y, z: center relative z, ax: pos1 x, ay: pos1 y, az: pos1 z, bx: pos2 x, by: pos2 y, bz: pos2 z, nx: negative corner x, ny: negative corner y, nz: negative corner z, px: positive corner x, py: positive corner y, pz: positive corner z.
Dflt USM Sec Lvl: | WorldEdit |
Dflt Required Tags: | canUseChatCommands |
Categories: | system, world, server, worldedit |
Version: | 2.0.0 |
Undo Supported: | ? |
Functional: | Yes |
Deprecated: | No |
\\generate [-sr] <blockPattern: BlockPattern> <expression: 3DGeometricMathEquation>
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