Particle Customization
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With this add-on you can also customize particles by setting their molang variables, this allows for a lot more particle customization then is currently available with the /particle command. To do this you must use the andexdb:createParticle /scriptevent command.
Command format: /scriptevent andexdb:createParticle <x: float|~>|<y: float|~>|<z: float|~>|[action: action]...
[action: action]
<actionType: actionType>:<molangVariable>:<newValue: float|R:G:B|R:G:B:A|x:y:z>
Action Types:
setFloat: / f:
newValue format: <float: float>
setColorRGB: / rgb:
newValue format: <r: float>|<g: float>|<b: float>
setColorRGBA: / rgba:
newValue format: <r: float>|<g: float>|<b: float>|<a: float>
setVector3: / v3:
newValue format: <x: float>|<y: float>|<z: float>
This add-on also has some custom particles that are made specifically to be used with this command:
Show/hide Custom Added Particles
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.emitter_texture_coordinate_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.emitter_texture_coordinate_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.emitter_texture_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.emitter_texture_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.uv_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.uv_range_u: the range of horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_range_v: the range of vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_range_u: the range of horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_range_v: the range of vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
- variable.color_range_r: the range of red color tinting
- variable.color_range_g: the range of green color tinting
- variable.color_range_b: the range of blue color tinting
- variable.color_range_a: the range of alpha color tinting
- variable.direction_x: the x facing direction
- variable.direction_y: the y facing direction
- variable.direction_z: the z facing direction
- variable.size_x: the x size
- variable.size_y: the y size
- variable.size_range_x: the range of x size
- variable.size_range_y: the range of y size
- variable.emitter_offset_x: the x emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_y: the y emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_z: the z emitter offset
- variable.emitter_radius_x: the x emitter radius
- variable.emitter_radius_y: the y emitter radius
- variable.emitter_radius_z: the z emitter radius
- variable.emitter_direction_x: the emitter x facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_y: the emitter y facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_z: the emitter z facing direction
- variable.max_lifetime: the amount of time before the particle disappears
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.uv_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
- variable.direction_x: the x facing direction
- variable.direction_y: the y facing direction
- variable.direction_z: the z facing direction
- variable.size_x: the x size
- variable.size_y: the y size
- variable.emitter_offset_x: the x emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_y: the y emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_z: the z emitter offset
- variable.emitter_direction_x: the emitter x facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_y: the emitter y facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_z: the emitter z facing direction
- variable.max_lifetime: the amount of time before the particle disappears
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.uv_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
- variable.direction_x: the x facing direction
- variable.direction_y: the y facing direction
- variable.direction_z: the z facing direction
- variable.size_x: the x size
- variable.size_y: the y size
- variable.emitter_offset_x: the x emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_y: the y emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_z: the z emitter offset
- variable.emitter_direction_x: the emitter x facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_y: the emitter y facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_z: the emitter z facing direction
- variable.max_lifetime: the amount of time before the particle disappears
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.uv_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
- variable.direction_x: the x facing direction
- variable.direction_y: the y facing direction
- variable.direction_z: the z facing direction
- variable.size_x: the x size
- variable.size_y: the y size
- variable.emitter_offset_x: the x emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_y: the y emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_z: the z emitter offset
- variable.emitter_direction_x: the emitter x facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_y: the emitter y facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_z: the emitter z facing direction
- variable.max_lifetime: the amount of time before the particle disappears
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.uv_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
- variable.direction_x: the x facing direction
- variable.direction_y: the y facing direction
- variable.direction_z: the z facing direction
- variable.size_x: the x size
- variable.size_y: the y size
- variable.emitter_offset_x: the x emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_y: the y emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_z: the z emitter offset
- variable.emitter_direction_x: the emitter x facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_y: the emitter y facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_z: the emitter z facing direction
- variable.max_lifetime: the amount of time before the particle disappears
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.uv_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
- variable.direction_x: the x facing direction
- variable.direction_y: the y facing direction
- variable.direction_z: the z facing direction
- variable.size_x: the x size
- variable.size_y: the y size
- variable.emitter_offset_x: the x emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_y: the y emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_z: the z emitter offset
- variable.emitter_direction_x: the emitter x facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_y: the emitter y facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_z: the emitter z facing direction
- variable.max_lifetime: the amount of time before the particle disappears
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.uv_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
- variable.direction_x: the x facing direction
- variable.direction_y: the y facing direction
- variable.direction_z: the z facing direction
- variable.size_x: the x size
- variable.size_y: the y size
- variable.emitter_offset_x: the x emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_y: the y emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_z: the z emitter offset
- variable.emitter_direction_x: the emitter x facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_y: the emitter y facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_z: the emitter z facing direction
- variable.max_lifetime: the amount of time before the particle disappears
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.uv_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
- variable.direction_x: the x facing direction
- variable.direction_y: the y facing direction
- variable.direction_z: the z facing direction
- variable.size_x: the x size
- variable.size_y: the y size
- variable.emitter_offset_x: the x emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_y: the y emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_z: the z emitter offset
- variable.emitter_direction_x: the emitter x facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_y: the emitter y facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_z: the emitter z facing direction
- variable.max_lifetime: the amount of time before the particle disappears
Molang Variables:
- variable.emitter_intensity: the cube root of the amount of particles
- variable.uv_u: the horizontal position of the uv
- variable.uv_v: the vertical position of the uv
- variable.uv_size_u: the horizontal size of the uv
- variable.uv_size_v: the vertical size of the uv
- variable.color.r: the red color tinting
- variable.color.g: the green color tinting
- variable.color.b: the blue color tinting
- variable.color.a: the alpha color tinting
- variable.direction_x: the x facing direction
- variable.direction_y: the y facing direction
- variable.direction_z: the z facing direction
- variable.size_x: the x size
- variable.size_y: the y size
- variable.emitter_offset_x: the x emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_y: the y emitter offset
- variable.emitter_offset_z: the z emitter offset
- variable.emitter_direction_x: the emitter x facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_y: the emitter y facing direction
- variable.emitter_direction_z: the emitter z facing direction
- variable.max_lifetime: the amount of time before the particle disappears
Here are some examples of this command (these are the ones that are showcased in the YouTube trailer video):
/scriptevent andexdb:createParticle minecraft:block_destruct|~~2~2|overworld|setColorRGBA:color:0.5:0.25:0:1|setFloat:variable.EmitterTextureCoord.u:32|setFloat:variable.EmitterTextureCoord.v:32|setFloat:variable.EmitterTextureSize.u:32|setFloat:variable.EmitterTextureSize.v:32|setFloat:emitter_radius:0.2|setFloat:emitter_intensity:10
/scriptevent andexdb:createParticle andexdb:custom_block_texture_billboard|~0.5~1.5~0.5|overworld|setColorRGBA:color:1:1:1:1|setFloat:variable.uv_u:0|setFloat:variable.uv_v:0|setFloat:variable.uv_size_u:5000|setFloat:variable.uv_size_v:5000|setFloat:variable.direction_x:0.0|setFloat:variable.direction_y:0.0|setFloat:variable.direction_z:1.0|setFloat:variable.max_lifetime:1000.0|setFloat:variable.size_y:0.5|setFloat:variable.size_x:1
/scriptevent andexdb:createParticle andexdb:custom_item_texture_billboard|~0.5~1.5~0.5|overworld|setColorRGBA:color:1:1:1:1|setFloat:variable.uv_u:0|setFloat:variable.uv_v:0|setFloat:variable.uv_size_u:1000|setFloat:variable.uv_size_v:1000|setFloat:variable.direction_x:0.0|setFloat:variable.direction_y:0.0|setFloat:variable.direction_z:1.0|setFloat:variable.max_lifetime:1000.0|setFloat:variable.size_y:1|setFloat:variable.size_x:0.5
/scriptevent andexdb:createParticle minecraft:note_particle|~0.5~1~0.5|overworld|setColorRGBA:note_color:1:0.5:1:1 /scriptevent andexdb:createParticle minecraft:note_particle|~0.5~1~0.5|overworld|setColorRGBA:note_color:1:1:1:1
All of these examples could also be written as:
/scriptevent andexdb:createParticle minecraft:block_destruct|~~2~2|overworld|setColorRGBA:color:0.5:0.25:0:1|setFloat:variable.EmitterTextureCoord.u:32|setFloat:variable.EmitterTextureCoord.v:32|setFloat:variable.EmitterTextureSize.u:32|setFloat:variable.EmitterTextureSize.v:32|setFloat:emitter_radius:0.2|setFloat:emitter_intensity:10
/scriptevent andexdb:createParticle andexdb:custom_block_texture_billboard|~0.5~1.5~0.5|overworld|rgba:color:1:1:1:1|f:variable.uv_u:0|f:variable.uv_v:0|f:variable.uv_size_u:5000|f:variable.uv_size_v:5000|f:variable.direction_x:0.0|f:variable.direction_y:0.0|f:variable.direction_z:1.0|f:variable.max_lifetime:1000.0|f:variable.size_y:0.5|f:variable.size_x:1
/scriptevent andexdb:createParticle andexdb:custom_item_texture_billboard|~0.5~1.5~0.5|overworld|rgba:color:1:1:1:1|f:variable.uv_u:0|f:variable.uv_v:0|f:variable.uv_size_u:1000|f:variable.uv_size_v:1000|f:variable.direction_x:0.0|f:variable.direction_y:0.0|f:variable.direction_z:1.0|f:variable.max_lifetime:1000.0|f:variable.size_y:1|f:variable.size_x:0.5
/scriptevent andexdb:createParticle minecraft:note_particle|~0.5~1~0.5|overworld|rgba:note_color:1:0.5:1:1 /scriptevent andexdb:createParticle minecraft:note_particle|~0.5~1~0.5|overworld|rgba:note_color:1:1:1:1