A lot of the items from the add-on are missing from the game.
Step 1
Double check that both the resource and behavior packs are on. Sometimes Minecraft will only import one of the packs, so you may need to import the add-on again.
Step 2
Check that all the required experimental toggles are enabled. You have have every experimental toggle except for villager trading turned on. You should also have the education edition toggle turned on.
Step 3
Check that the version of the add-on you are using is compatible with your current version of Minecraft. If you are not sure if it is compatible, and you are on the latest full release of Minecraft, then just download the newest version of the add-on.
To see if your version of the add-on if compatible with your current version of Minecraft, just click on the button below, click on the dropdown for your current Minecraft version, and see if the list contains your current add-on version.
If the list does not contain your current add-on version or your current version of Minecraft is not on the page, then the version of the add-on you are using is not compatible with your current version of Minecraft.
Add-On Version Compatibility ListStep 4
If it is still not working, contact me either through my email or my discord.
The items are not doing anything. And when I type \help in the chat, nothing happens.
Step 1
Double check that both the resource and behavior packs are on. Sometimes Minecraft will only import one of the packs, so you may need to import the add-on again.
Step 2
Check that all the required experimental toggles are enabled. You have have every experimental toggle except for villager trading turned on. You should also have the education edition toggle turned on.
Step 3
Check that the version of the add-on you are using is compatible with your current version of Minecraft. If you are not sure if it is compatible, and you are on the latest full release of Minecraft, then just download the newest version of the add-on.
To see if your version of the add-on if compatible with your current version of Minecraft, just click on the button below, click on the dropdown for your current Minecraft version, and see if the list contains your current add-on version.
If the list does not contain your current add-on version or your current version of Minecraft is not on the page, then the version of the add-on you are using is not compatible with your current version of Minecraft.
Add-On Version Compatibility ListStep 4
The add-on may have gotten corrupted when you downloaded it. Try re-downloading the add-on.
Step 5
If it is still not working, contact me either through my email or my discord.